Almost magic
E92 VIN WBSKG9C54CE798714 I bought a 2012 BMW M3 with a roof that was covered in scratches. I took the car to an excellent body shop and they looked at the roof and said it needed to be taken down to bare metal and quoted a price of $800. I bought the car for a track car, so didn’t want to spend much on something that did not increase speed. Was at a BMW shop later that day and the owner looked at the roof and got out a bottle of Nano Correction Compound and said it might work on the scratches. He did a small area and the result was astonishing. He gave me the bottle to take home so I could do the rest of the roof. I used my buffer and in about two hours had the roof looking like the scratches were never there. The Correcting Compound is easy to use and doesn’t require car detailer level skills to get great results.
Favorite new compound!
Great stuff cuts well without a lot of dusting. Finishes off nicely! Good Bye 3M, it's been fun but you've been replaced!