5 Star
I like having clean rims and waterspot killer does all the hard work. i love this product and you will too.

Water Spot Killer
Product works, apply and wash off , even got rid of the stubborn caked on water spots

The name is true
Simple, easy, and effective. One of the best waster spot removers I have used.

By Far The Best
This is the best water spot remover and wheel cleaner. I've used 4 other brands which all failed. Had hard water spots from sprinklers that were on one side of my white car discoloring it for over a year. Sprayed this product on and it literally made everything disappear within seconds. My wheels came out spectacular as well. Will purchase more of this product without a second thought.

Thumbs up
It's the best in cleaning wheels it works surprisingly fast, I also use it to remove fresh water spots on paint and windows...